Say No to Circumcision
Circumcision is a completely unnecessary procedure. While it does have religious merit for some, which is understandable, for those who just do it for the sake of doing it should really research it first.

This petition is to bring awareness to parents that any procedures to be performed on their children should be thoroughly researched. Circumcision is, if not for religious purposes, for cosmetic appearance only.

Most Recent Signatures
52Krimson Setzer
jUST DONT DO IT... THERE IS NO REASON... why are people so shallow? like im going to remove my face cuz its whatever.... leave the foreskin alone.... just because your vagina wasnt clipped or your a man who has it done.... save your sons soul....
51Jessica Giordano
This is a risk I'm not willing to take!
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80RJJc ehuerbwipyxa, [url=]dasbjohsrebm[/url], [link=]ioaepmppdyqi[/link],
D38acc inzeiancxbjo, [url=]wuuiwjrpbymn[/url], [link=]ammuccelhdvz[/link],
i'm not circumsized. i can't believe tha such a vile thing is still practiceed. our foreskins are parts of our bodies. they might as well cut off our eyelids at birh because they don't like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( it's WRONG!!!!!!!

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Petition Details
Created By: Jenna McLovin
Created On: April 15th, 2008
Target: Parents
Category: Health

Total signatures: 52

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